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Unit Study Adventure™ Series For Homeschool Learning

The Unit Study Adventure™ series contains four-week studies that include daily lessons for grades K-12. Each day has a basic structured learning plan for Elementary Grades (Lower Level) and one for Jr./Sr. High Grades (Upper Level). Depending on the ages and needs of your children, you can choose to use all or just a few of the daily assignments.

The Unit Study Adventure™ series contains four-week homeschool studies that include daily lessons for grades K-12.

For example, a six-year-old student might be assigned only one or two spelling words and perhaps just one of the Read and Discover questions, while a ten-year-old student might do most of the Lower Level assignments for each day. The same holds true for Jr./Sr. High school students. While most high school juniors or seniors should be able to complete all of the daily assignments on the Upper Level, a fourteen year old might not be ready to handle that much work in a day.

Unit Studies for Homeschool Families

Use these lessons as a tool, and customize them to fit your family and your children’s needs. What doesn’t get completed this year can be left for further study next year.

The Unit Study Adventure™ series contains four-week homeschool studies that include daily lessons for grades K-12.

Cross-curricular in approach (include history, geography, science, etc.), these unit studies have been written in a simple, ready-to-use format.  Each title provides an in-depth look at a topic (cars, sailing ships, etc.) that takes into account the many subject areas. It is a complete immersion into the topic so that the student will see things as a “whole” instead of bits and pieces. This concept of teaching closely resembles the way we learn naturally and how we approach problems as an adult.

Designed so that while the child is learning basic material, he/she is also reinforcing other academic skills. Reading skills are emphasized with the various books studied. Writing skills are developed through writing assignments, copying and dictation and journal writing. Thinking skills mature through hands-on activities and problem analysis.

The Unit Study Adventure™ series contains four-week homeschool studies that include daily lessons for grades K-12.

Some benefits of Unit Study Adventure™ unit studies include:

  • Students learn more detailed information with an in-depth study of a topic. Capturing a child’s natural curiosity with many exciting themes to choose from opens up the path to deeper understanding and better retention.
  • Unit studies encourage the use of imagination, creativity, and thinking skills. The basic subjects are covered while reinforcing other academic abilities.
  • The topic studied is perceived as a whole instead of bits and pieces scattered throughout their education. They are not likely to forget what they have learned and experienced!

It’s a fun way to learn and bring the whole family together!

The research and preparation work have all been done — all you have to do is open the study and let the adventure begin! 

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