About the Publisher

Welcome to UnitStudy.com!

Our goal as publishers of Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett curriculum is to help children become self-motivated learners, eager to explore God’s creation.

A unit study works by capturing a child’s attention and helping them understand the pieces of the whole as they fit together.

Steve and Tricia Hodges, Publishers

We are Steve and Tricia Hodges – homeschooling parents of five children – four homeschool graduates so far! We are passionate about encouraging fellow homeschoolers by helping make homeschool decisions easy and pointing families towards the tools we use and love.

Curiosity Based Innovative Studies That Build Creative Thinkers

We have long loved and used Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett in our own homeschool because the studies work so beautifully with multiple ages – and meet the learning styles of each of our children. Each of our five children have unique learning styles: visual, auditory, kinesthetic and hands-on learning.

We believe children were all created differently. 

With that in mind, we believe utilizing fun, enjoyable projects engages children who sometimes weren’t engaged before. Sometimes offering fun activities helps children grasps concepts they couldn’t before.

Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett meet those needs – and bless the whole family! Many years we would kick off our homeschool year or the new semester with Summer or Winter Games, Autumn Treasures or American Government. Our junior marine biologist adored Sensational Sharks and the whole family took a deep dive into Oceans. Oh the memories we made with the St. Patrick’s Day unit, Easter, Christmas!

Tricia and Steve live in north Georgia. Tricia began blogging at Hodgepodge (now Your Best Homeschool) in 2008, sharing helpful homeschool habits, recipes and her mother’s art lessons. With their You ARE an Artist curriculum, Tricia, “Nana” and her family are passionate about helping others grow a love of art. She also shares reviews of her family’s favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice and is the author of the book, Help! I’m Homeschooling!

Homeschooling since 2000, we share the art and heart of homeschooling and help you bring joy, fun and freedom to your days.

The Your Best Homeschool Family

The Your Best Homeschool Network of websites offer Art, Music, Nature Studies, Curriculum Choices, Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett and Homeschool Mom Support.