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It's mouth-watering fun for everyone! Delve into science discoveries, such as learning about how chocolate comes from a bean pod—that... LEARN MORE
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Autumn Treasures
Autumn has to be a favorite time of year for most children. When the air is cooler and the leaves... LEARN MORE
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Bread. Just the smell of this wonderful food can get the immediate attention of most people! So many fun and... LEARN MORE
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This unit study on a favorite snack food is a hit! Join in the learning adventure – buckle up and... LEARN MORE
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From stick horses to rocking horses, pony rides to their first rodeo, what child is not fascinated with horses? Whether... LEARN MORE
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Astonishing Animals
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Many childhood dreams are found amid dirt, roots, leaves, seeds, and branches. Remember berry picking, tire swings, “maple seed” helicopters,... LEARN MORE
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Cavernous Caves is a fascinating adventure to the depths of the Earth! From the longest cave to the deepest cave,... LEARN MORE
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Smarter than any computer and more complex than anything known to man, the human brain is an unfathomable treasure–the perfect... LEARN MORE