Handsome Horses


From stick horses to rocking horses, pony rides to their first rodeo, what child is not fascinated with horses?



Whether driving by a farm, watching a parade, or strolling through the county fair, the sight of a horse grabs a child’s attention and opens the door to curiosity and wonder – perfect conditions for learning!

No matter the season or the weather, it is ALWAYS a great time to learn about horses!

  • Quest 1: What Is a Horse?
  • Quest 2: Getting to Know Horses
  • Quest 3: Where Are the Horses?
  • Quest 4: The Science of Horses
  • Quest 5: Cool Things About Horses

NEW! Also includes Ask AI Prompts! See what Amanda Bennett says about Using AI Resources in Your Homeschool Studies!

Since the beginning of time, horses have played a role in cultures around the world. History is filled with adventurous stories of horses: Egyptian pharaohs, wars, cowboys, Native Americans—the horse has been an integral part of each moment in history.

There’s so much to learn about the horse—anatomy, types and breeds, and horse occupations, as well as the care and keeping of horses. There are art lessons, amazing videos, and fun facts to see and learn along the way.

For a hands on approach that includes Horses Unit Study Adventure by Amanda Bennett for K-12 plus art lessons and horse nature and science lessons, check out our Horses Homeschool Unit Study Bundle!

Type Download N Go®
Grade Kindergarden-4th Grades
Length 1-2 Weeks
Page Count 113
Format Digital Download


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