Sensational Sharks


It never ceases to amaze me when we go to a large aquarium—kids always search for the sharks. They look for them among all the tanks and displays, and then simply stand and watch them swim by, totally captivated with these eating machines. Sensational Sharks was written to build on that fascination and broaden the learning experience with geography, science, and much more.



You are about to set off on an exciting learning adventure with your child. Just imagine:

  • Quest 1: What Is a Shark?
  • Quest 2: Getting to Know Sharks
  • Quest 3: Where Can You Find Sharks?
  • Quest 4: Science Secrets of Sharks
  • Quest 5: Cool Things about Sharks

NEW! Also includes Ask AI Prompts for digging deeper! See what Amanda Bennett says about Using AI Resources in Your Homeschool Studies!

Discovering the many senses of sharks. Learning about the anatomy of sharks. Investigating the way that sharks breathe. Exploring one new kind of shark each day. Watch this video to get a glimpse into Sensational Sharks!

This Sensational Sharks Homeschool Unit Study combines academic subjects to create a integrated learning experience for your child and any shark lover! 

Sharks are powerful and rapid-moving creatures that have plenty of teeth and play an important role in God’s creation. From the frills of the frilled shark to the wacky camouflage of the wobbegong shark, these fish come in all shapes and sizes. Who would not be curious to find out more about the cookie cutter shark, or investigate the megamouth shark? Let the curiosity and fascination of your child run wild with this study, and watch his wonder as he discovers that learning can be amazing.

The research and study of sharks provide a wide-open door of adventure for our children. Dive in with Sensational Sharks and let them learn!

Sharks Homeschool Unit Study bundle

For a hands on approach that includes video art lessons and an Ocean Food Chain science lesson check out our Sharks Homeschool Unit Study Bundle!

Type Download N Go®
Grade Kindergarden-4th Grades
Length 1-2 Weeks
Page Count 99
Format Digital Download


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